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Our (nearly) three-week tour to Canada, USA and Mexico was one of the Choir’s most impressive tours to date! (Vancouver, Victoria, Ogden, Palm Desert, Jackson, Collegedale, Charlotte, Raleigh, St Johnsbury, Middlebury, Mexico). Despite the trip proving challenging at times with a delay for nearly every single flight we took (including a 9 hour delay in Palm Desert which meant we missed our connecting flight to Texas, which then involved a two hour sleep at 3 in the morning in Texas to then catch a flight to Jackson, Mississippi at 9), the whole choir stayed positive and pulled of 13 fantastic concerts.

The choir also managed to find time and the energy to explore many of the various places we visited including Stanley Park in Vancouver, the Ben and Jerry’s factory in Vermont, a whole morning off (!!) in Chattanooga and the Teotihuacan pyramids in Mexico. Some highlights from various choir members include the gorgeous views from the ferry from Victoria to Vancouver, sampling culinary delights of Palm Desert airport, crossing the Walnut Street Bridge in Chattanooga, experiencing real ‘deep south’ American food (we’re still not so sure about biscuits and gravy!) and a very relaxing last four days in Mexico with incredible hotel breakfast and a pool! 

All in all it was a fantastic tour and a lovely chance for the choir to bond and get to know each other further.